How can I get involved?

There are two ways to get involved:

  1. If you attend a Rotherham Charter school, college or setting
    There will be a Charter Champion.  If you are unsure who this is please ask a member of staff. You can ask the Charter Champion how you can get involved. Some examples might be:
    – Having class or group discussions
    – Having a Circle Time session
    – Involving the School Council to gather views
    – Having a suggestion box
    – Asking parents or carers to help you talk about your views
  2. Become a Young Person representative
    The Rotherham Charter team is looking for Young People to join them.Do you want to be part of a team that helps schools, colleges, settings and services to really listen to the voice of young people? Contact Jemma for more info.
    Phone: 01709 822591